Buy Local

Today, there are over 16,000 acres of macadamias planted across Hawaii on roughly 620 farms. Farmers in Hawaii have worked hard over the years to build the value of our macadamia nuts and bring one of the tastiest and highest quality products to the market. Recently, the Hawaii macadamia industry has been under great stress from economic and environmental pressures. One of the greatest threats to our industry is the misleading labeling of macadamia nut products.
Many macadamia growers are struggling to compete with foreign macadamia nuts entering the market. Store shelves are now loaded with products containing misleading labels that imply products are made from Hawaii produce even though they are not. In Hawaii, over 80% of the food we consume is imported. By directly supporting local food producers, our dollars stay in Hawai’i ensuring a circular economy and increasing local food production. It is now more important than ever to buy local to support farmers and address long-term food security. When you purchase macadamia nuts, be sure to check the labels to ensure the product contains 100% Hawaii-grown macadamias. Every purchase matters!